How to Further Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Skills and Management

For Students: DIY Cooking for Yourself

Living alone or with someone has its advantages and disadvantages. For students, living within dorms or have a roommate, it’s definitely a challenge, especially when you and your roommate have different tastes in design, the way things are done, and of course, food. Definitely, the easiest choice is to do takeouts. Not only does it […]


How the New Instagram API Graph will Affect Marketing

From a social media platform used by art and visual aficionados to businesses who want to showcase their products and services through visual content, Instagram has definitely levelled up in both a social and marketing point of view. Instagram has also reached the one billion mark in users, quickly following Facebook on the number of […]


Trends that Will Affect Social Media Marketing in 2019

Social media marketing is a very competitive industry. With all the digital noise coming from all directions, businesses will need to figure out a unique approach of getting heard or seen out of the noise. As a student, you can see market competition as a battle royale scenario. The players are different businesses, while the […]


Social Media Marketing Tips that will Benefit Small Businesses

Experts have said it. Top brands have said it. Even blogs have said it. Social media marketing is a powerful avenue that allows business owners to define their target market, engage with potential customers and be up to date with customers via brand engagement. No matter the size of the business, social media — when [...]

Positive Disruption in the Aged Care Industry

Aged care has been surrounded by eye-opening stories. Among of the eye-opening stories is the number of older Australians at risk with malnutrition. Another eye-opening stories is that aged care facilities are looking less homely in terms of residential aesthetics, but instead transforming into institutionalized facilities by expanding operational capacity. Fortunately, these eye-opening scenarios often […]


How Diet is Essential in the Aged Care Process

Commonly, when we read the word diet, we immediately think about weight-loss regimens that will remove every single food that your inner child loves. Evidently, ‘diet’ has been used in marketing strategies and exercise videos, but the word diet has a quintessential meaning to it. Diet means to the food and drink intake of a […]


Australia’s Aged Care Facilities are Experiencing Expansion

Looking back, institutions in Australia were as big as hospitals in terms of facilities. People with disability and mental illness, along with orphaned children, were living in these spacious facilities. But the space also equates to more residents in the area. Flash forward today; these institutions were closed down due to the influence of the […]


How to Further Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Skills and Management

The digital age has allowed a new platform of marketing where everything is based on digital media. Hence, the name Digital Marketing stands out and it is where brands and businesses have made considerable investment to further their marketing reach. Digital marketing is applied across search engines, social media, news sites, video streaming sites and [...]
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