The aim of the competition is to discover culinary talents and to nurture the creativity of the present commercial cookery student cohort while these Chefs are still on their training wheels!

Location: MCIE Training Kitchen, 644 Victoria Street, North Melbourne
Participants:  Open to Commercial Cookery (MCIE) students enrolled in the following intakes: October 2017, January 2018, April 2018 and July 2018 including Certificate III & Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery



Day and Date: Thursday, 15th November 2018

Cooking commencement: 0800 hrs

Final Presentation: 1230 hrs

Total cooking time: 4 hrs 30 min.

Prior to the final day participants will have the kitchen available for 3 hours between 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs on Wednesday 14th November 2018 to:

  • check their ingredients
  • check workstations
  • check equipment
  • prepare workflow plan for next day final


MCIE Training Kitchen 644 Victoria Street North Melbourne VIC



Open to Commercial Cookery (MCIE) students enrolled in the following intakes:

October 2017, January 2018, April 2018 and July 2018 including Certificate III & Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery.

NOTE: Maximum number of teams that can participate is 6 (Six)

The expression of interest will be entertained on ‘first come first serve’ basis so don’t delay, and preference will be given to 1 team from each intake groups!


Participation fees:

NIL – Sponsored by MCIE



Winning Team – Members to receive an individual trophy, certificates, and names embedded on MCIE ‘Hall of Fame’

All participants to receive a Statement of Participation

Photographs in the next edition of MCIE Industry Newsletter


Entry Requirements:

Competitors will compete on a team basis – teams of 3 members each

(+ 1 additional member can be included as back up only but not mandatory. Back up member will only participate if any full member becomes not available for any compassionate reasons).

Participation cost: NIL – sponsored by MCIE


Step 1:

Interested participants to form a team of 3 (+1) and choose 1 member as Team Leader who will be responsible to correspond with the Trainer and MCIE Organising committee on behalf of the team.


Step 2:

Team Leader (in consultation with their respective Trainer) to send an expression of interest to participate in the competition by an email to MCIE Organising Committee on

Expression of interest email should have

the names, email ids and contact numbers of all team members

Planned 3-course menu and the inspiration behind it

NOTE: Please also refer to Competition Details for more information.

Last day to receive an expression of interest email is Wednesday 19th September 2018 by 3 pm.


Step 3:

Upon receiving the expression of interest and based on the proposed menu, MCIE Organising committee along with the respective Trainer will finalize the entry and contact the team members by email if their application is successful not later than Monday 1st October 2018.


Step 4:

Upon successful entry confirmation, team leaders to complete the application form and provide required details to the Organising Committee as requested.


Step 5:

All teams will get a chance to practice on their dishes in the next 3 weeks. Teams can request for 1 set of all ingredients for 1 practice session and will be required to submit their ingredient list and costing according to the menu submitted at the time of expression of interest. Practice sessions will be coordinated between teams subject to training kitchen availability before or after the regular classes. Teams are allowed to make minor changes to fine tune their menus after the practice sessions.


Step 6:

Team leaders will be required to submit the final menu, ingredients list, equipment list and costing by 3 pm Friday 26th October 2018 by email to the Organising committee on . No further changes will be allowed.



MCIE Organising Committee consists of:

Chef Steven Liu

Chef Brian Coulthard

Chef Arun Kumar

Chef Shefali Singh

Chef Gurpreet Bhatia


Competition Rules

  • Competitors will compete on Team basis – Team of 3 members each.

Each team to choose 1 member as a Team Leader who will be responsible to correspond with the organising committee

(+ 1 additional member can be included as back up only but not mandatory. Back up member will only participate if any full member becomes not available for any compassionate reasons)

  • Each team is required to prepare a 3 Course Menu consisting of –

1st course: Entre’ (Hot or Cold),

2nd course: Main (Hot) Main Course Dish must include a protein from the list – Fish, Chicken, Duck, Quail, Lamb, Beef or Pork


3rd course: Dessert (Hot, Cold or Hot & Cold)

(1 serve of each dish to be presented for display by 1230 pm. 3 serves of each dish to be presented for Jury on team’s turn. Teams will get 5 min to assemble their plates)

  • Teams shall have a budget of total $150 to create a 3-course menu for 4 serves of each dish. Teams will have to provide their costing of each dish.
  • Menus should reflect modern techniques, cost effectiveness and nutritional balance

It is recommended to choose variety of cooking methods and ingredients.

NOTE: Chosen dishes can be inspired from the existing menus however the final dishes must have an individual touch and each team must submit a short write up explaining their individual touch and the inspiration behind it. Teams may also be required explain their inspiration behind their menus to the Jury members)

  • Your Trainers can be your Mentors at the planning stage however they cannot assist you in the final cooking process
  • Upon successful application, all teams are required to submit the
  • Final draft of their Menu, recipes, menu costing, ingredient list and equipment list by Wednesday, 10th October 2018.
  • final menus and recipes including FULL list of ingredients and the equipment list by
  • MCIE will provide basic kitchen equipment such as, cooktops, oven access, workspace, refrigerators, basic dry goods (provided you have submitted your ingredients list), water and hygiene equipment.


If teams do not submit the full list of equipment required with tentative timings, they may end up with not enough equipment during the cooking. E.g. Combi Oven

  • Teams (all 3 members) must be ready (in full uniforms with their tool kits) at the designated kitchen area at sharp 07:45 on the day of competition to attend the competition rules and occupational health and safety briefing prior to commencing the competition.
  • All Team members must wear clean set of full uniforms at all times. Uniform to include – MCIE Chef Jacket with white studs, MCIE White Head cap, White neckerchief, White Apron, Chequered Trousers and safety shoes. Chef Jacket and Head cap must have MCIE logos.
  • All Ingredients will be provided by MCIE according to submitted ingredient list by the teams- MCIE Organising team may contact the Team Leader (but not later than 3 days before the competition) for any unusual item or any item not available upon receiving your ingredient list.
  • Team leaders to ensure they confirm availability of their ingredients with the Organising Committee by no later than Monday 5th Nov 2018
  • All teams will be responsible to set up their own tables in the restaurant for final presentation of the dishes – Tables and white table cloth will be provided by MCIE however any additional props if desired should be arranged by the teams
  • Competitors are responsible for the clean-up of their working area at all times and the entire kitchen during and after the competition. All participants must be available for the final cleaning and responsibilities will be assigned by the Chef In charge.
  • Teams must not leave the kitchen during and after the cooking is over, until all cleaning is completed and allowed by Chef In-Charge.
  • Final presentation will take place at the end of competition on the day (approx. 2 pm)
  • All teams must agree and follow the rules at all times. Teams will have to sign an acceptance form to these competition rules after their application has been accepted.
  • MCIE shall not under any circumstances be responsible for any injuries, nor any loss or damage to any goods, equipment or personal effects.
  • MCIE Organising Committee reserves the right to modify these rules if required and their decision would be final. All team leader will be informed of any changes.

Marking Process

  • The Jury (3 External Judges – Industry Experts) will judge finalist entries as part of the judging process.
  • The Jury decisions will be final.

Marking Scheme

Total Maximum Score: 100

Students will be judged on the following criteria with points scored for each section:

Total /10 Points

  • Pre-planned workflow arrangement of materials for trouble-free working and service.
  • Correct utilisation of working time to ensure punctual completion.
  • Overall work flow plan.

Total /20 Points

  • Correct basic preparation of food. Preparation should be practical, acceptable methods that exclude unnecessary ingredients. Appropriate cooking techniques must be applied for all ingredients.

Total /30 Points

  • Final Presentation of the dishes including table set up.
  • Clean arrangement with no artificial garnishes.
  • Plating to ensure an appetising appearance is required.
  • Timely presentation of the dishes.
  • Write up for each dish

Total /30 Points

  • Taste of the food – Taste, seasoning, flavour and colour should all conform to current industry standards in terms of nutritional values.

Total /10 Points

Overall organisation including cleaning – during and after cooking

Coordination among team members

Overall point score /100

All scores will be collated. The scorer with the highest points will be the winner.

For further information, please contact your Chef Trainer or MCIE Organising Committee.


General Guidelines for all Teams:

The following list provides a good beginning checklist of what is considered general guidelines for both competitors who will be participating and judges who will evaluate them.

  • Ingredients and garnishes should harmonize with the main part of the dish and conform to contemporary standards of nutritional values.
  • Unnecessary ingredients should be avoided, and practical, acceptable cooking methods should be applied.
  • All items should display a variety of techniques, designs and shapes and should be visually appetizing.
  • Competitors are encouraged to use a variety of cooking methods and ingredients.
  •  Use correct cooking, presentation, colour and flavour combination.
  • Dressing the rims of the plates results in an unacceptable appearance.
  • Meat should be carved properly and cleanly.
  • Meat slices should be served with the carved surface upwards and arranged in order and size.
  • Numerical harmonizing of meat portions and garnishes is required.
  • Fruits and vegetables must be cut or turned uniformly.
  •  The amount of gelatine used in aspics may exceed normal quantities, but not to the extent that the style of presentation is dependent on the extra gelatine content.
  • Do not use any non-edible items on the plate.
  • Food prepared hot, but displayed cold, should not be served on a chemise plate or platter. Dishes prepared hot, but displayed cold, should be glazed with aspic. Sauce boats should reflect the correct amount needed for the platter.
  • Glazing work should be clean and free of defects.
  • Use practical portion size. In general, portion weight should be in keeping with the norms of accepted practice and nutritional balance.
  • Demonstrate clean, crisp workmanship.
  • The punctual presentation of each exhibit at the appointed time is urgent.
  • All teams will be responsible to set up the tables for final presentation of the dishes. Although table decorations are not part of the actual judging, a well presented and attractive table will add to the high-quality image that the competitor attempts to project.