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MCIE Marketing Policy Framework

  • 1. The Marketer must ensure that with regards to each prospective student:
    The study to be undertaken would lead to a higher vocational education and training qualification than the highest such qualification already obtained by the prospective student; and the prospective student meets the admission requirements for the course of study as set by MCIE and any Federal or State governmental department or authority; and the prospective student meets any citizenship or residency requirements to undertake the course of study and the student is not an overseas student.
  • 2. The Marketer must ensure that in any promotional publication, report, signage or other material relating to the education services offered by MCIE, the Marketer must:
    • Acknowledge in a prominent way that the education services are provided to eligible individuals only, with funds made available by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments (for example, by stating that “This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding”); Not, without the prior written approval of MCIE, use any logo or trademarks of the State or the Commission;
    • Ensure that all promotional materials meet the requirements of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and related laws, including the provision of materials encouraging individuals with disabilities to access government subsidised training;
    • Ensure marketing and advertising of the education services to prospective students is ethical, accurate and consistent with the requirements of MCIE, any Federal and State Governmental requirements and the law; and
    • Identify MCIE’s trading name and Training Organisation Identifier or RTO Code.
    • Ensure that in all of tis promotional material, it publishes MCIE’s website so as to allow the prospective student to access the following information on the MCIE website:
    • MCIE’s most recent registration audit report;
    • MCIE’s most recent quality indicators;
    • MCIE’s learner engagement and employer satisfaction surveys;
    • MCIE’s standard hourly fees for government subsidised training for each course/qualification it offers. ‘The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment’; and details of any other fees including but not limited to student services, amenities, goods or materials
    • MCIE’s complaints and appeals process
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