by Md. Abubakr | Aug 26, 2021 | Aged Care, Career, Disability, Individual Support, International Students, Our College, Student Life
Aged care sector in urgent need of new workers If you have ever considered working as a carer for some of Australia’s most vulnerable citizens, it may be time to act. According to worldwide trends, now more than ever is the time to start a career in aged care. The...
by Md. Abubakr | Oct 5, 2018 | Aged Care
Positive Disruption in the Aged Care Industry Aged care has been surrounded by eye-opening stories. Among of the eye-opening stories is the number of older Australians at risk with malnutrition. Another eye-opening stories is that aged care facilities are looking less...
by Md. Abubakr | Oct 5, 2018 | Aged Care
How Diet is Essential in the Aged Care Process Commonly, when we read the word diet, we immediately think about weight-loss regimens that will remove every single food that your inner child loves. Evidently, ‘diet’ has been used in marketing strategies and exercise...
by Md. Abubakr | Sep 5, 2018 | Aged Care
Aged Care Residents Facing New Risk on Doctor Visitation According to Survey In Australia, there exists around 80 per cent of Australians that are aged 65 years and up who rely on their age pension. Currently, the country houses around 3.7 million Australians aged 65...
by Md. Abubakr | Aug 29, 2018 | Aged Care
Introduction to Aged Care: How to Care for Elderly Family Members It’s a common scenario among people to compare the struggles of taking care of a growing child and an ageing parent. However, Iona, an ageing organisation in the United States, stated that the two...