Job tips


5 reasons why hospitality is a great career for International students

Ever thought about entering the hospitality industry in Australia? If you’re an international student, more opportunities are available in hospitality than in any other sector, and it is easier than ever to take advantage of the demand. Here are five reasons to consider building a career in this ever-growing industry! 1. Workers are in high [...]

Victoria’s Hottest Job Opportunities in 2014

Don’t waste time chasing a career that leaves you on ‘Struggle Street’ due to lack of available jobs. Competition in the employment market is ever changing and often tough; however some industries struggle more than others to find skilled workers. Much sought after employment skills can vary across the country depending on the region, so [...]

10 Most In-Demand Career Skills

Article by Loreena Walsh The job market can be volatile and ever-changing, and with the recent announcement that the unemployment rate is at its highest in 12 years, if you’re in the process of career planning, then understanding the current skill demands in the employment market can help steer you in the right direction. Just [...]

Get That Job! Writing the Perfect Resume

Resume writing sounds a whole lot easier than what it actually is. You’re selling yourself in the most attractive way possible on a mere sheet of paper, two if you lucky enough to entice them to turn the page. Here are 10 fail safe tips to make sure that your future employee keeps turning: 1. […]

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