What exactly are apprenticeships and traineeships?
Apprenticeships and traineeships are;
- Nationally accredited training
- Undertaken by students who are already employed
- Delivered by an RTO like MCIE
- Subsidised by the Victorian and/or Commonwealth Government where eligible
- A contract between an Employer, the Australian and State Government and a student that nominates a Training Provider to facilitate workplace based training and assessment leading to an apprenticeship or traineeship.
The difference is that Apprenticeships are;
- Usually in a trade occupation and at certificate III level. They often take 3-4 years to complete full-time. Apprenticeships often have stricter rules around how the contract can be cancelled. Most traineeships are non-trades and take 12-24 months full-time.
Who can do it?
Who can do it?
There are 3 types of trainees:
New entrant
For new workers who wish to learn and gain a nationally-recognised qualification (this is someone who has worked for less than 12 months part-time, or less than 3 months full time in their current job).
Existing worker traineeships
For staff who are looking to formalise their skills and validate the hard work they have done, and gain job security for the future (this is somebody who has worked for more than 12 months part-time, or more than 3 months full time in their current job).
School-based traineeships
Gain vocational qualifications at Certificate II and III levels through a combination of classroom training and paid work-based experience, while still in high school.
So what qualifications are available?
If I put my staff into a traineeship, what Government benefits are available?
The Australian Government has introduced a number of initiatives to assist employers who take on an Australian Apprentice or Trainee, particularly where the Australian Apprenticeship or Traineeship is in a trade experiencing a skills shortage. These initiatives provide financial incentives to eligible employers.
For up-to-date information on incentives and benefits available for employers and
trainee/apprentices please see the Incentives Explorer page on the Australian
Apprenticeships website.
Australian priority occupations
Is my business eligible for the wage subsidy?
- From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2024, the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System will provide broad support to the economy through wage subsidies for eligible employers in priority occupations. Priority occupations are those listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.
- A hiring incentive will also be available for employers of apprentices undertaking a qualification in an occupation that does not qualify for the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.
- For information on what incentives your organisation may be eligible for,