10 Tips to Cook Healthier Today
Cooking is both a simple and complex task. There is are many factors that can greatly affect your dish—whether for the best or for the worse. But, don’t worry, we already set aside the complex stuff for the professionals and saved you the simple techniques to learn.
It’s okay if you’re a beginner at cooking, these tips are simple and easy to understand. All it takes is the heart to pour out love and care on the food and the discipline to make these tips a part of your cooking habits.
Tip #1: Treat your Vegetables the Way It Should be Treated
Tip #2: Always Rinse Your Vegetables
Tip #3: Rinsing Your Meat is Not Recommended
Tip #4: Take Care of Your Olive Oils
Tip #5: Salad’s Secret Ingredient: Good Fat
Tip #6: Taste Before You Season
Tip #7: Oven Over Pan
Tip #8: Overcooking Fresh Garlic is a No-No
Tip #9: Say Goodbye to Fat of Ground Beef
Tip #10: Mix and Match
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