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4 Successful People Share Their Advice on How to Succeed

Success comes to people in different ways. It is important to know that it may take a while from some people, and for others, it happens very quickly. The main thing that everyone can take away from it at the end of the day is that it will happen if you work hard and follow what you feel is right for you. Here are five successful people giving you their advice on how to succeed even if you have not become qualified in anything yet.

Don’t force anything

“If I had gone to university right out of high school, with my personality, I wouldn’t have put as much effort into it as I did… I’m not someone who can learn just by reading books, so having experiences I could ground theory in made everything salient to me.” —Michael Wood, Professor @ School of Environment, Enterprise & Development

Fake it ‘till you make it

“When I read articles about the top 30 under 30, I would get the sense that people had it so together. But when I met those people, and took the time to listen to their stories, I realized they don’t have everything figured out. There’s a lot of “fake it ‘till you make it” going on. We’re all constantly figuring new things out for the first time.” —Giovanna Ngai, Jewellery Designer @ Simply Giovanna

Be patient

“There were days where I was sitting in the Lakeview plant thinking, ‘I’ll never get out of here.’ That was where patience came in. When jobs came open, I applied. And I talked to people and made it known that I wanted change, and that made a difference.” —Jim Burpee, Former CEO @ Ontario Power Generation

Know how to deal with conflict in a mature, productive way

“People are going to be rude and disrespectful to you without any provocation… You can’t get angry, it’s not an option. If you do you’re taking it home with you and you’re going to be a bitter person.” —Simon Carpenter, Teacher @ W. L. Mackenzie C.I.

At the end of the day, there is no one right way to be successful. It comes in different shapes for everyone. It is all about finding your own path. By studying in Melbourne, you open yourself up to many things that you may not have dreamed of. Contact us today to see where your dreams could take you.

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