Individual Support

Doctors: Aged Care Industry Need More Care Professionals

Are you looking to join the workforce?

Research shows that students who did a VET course during school are more likely to be employed full-time or permanently, five years after their studies. If you want to join the workforce, why not consider taking a VET course? With more funding and government subsidies put towards vocational education, a VET course might get you [...]

Aged care sector in urgent need of new workers

If you have ever considered working as a carer for some of Australia’s most vulnerable citizens, it may be time to act. According to worldwide trends, now more than ever is the time to start a career in aged care. The aged care sector is currently facing a high demand for skilled workers. The June [...]

New Radio Project to Aid Culturally Diverse Aged Care Communities

Australia is widely known as a culturally diverse country. For example, the city of Sydney and the state of New South Wales,  where the state houses an estimated 250 different languages that came from the different parts of the world. Australia itself as a whole is rich in cultural history. With the different languages being […]


Doctors: Aged Care Industry Need More Care Professionals

Australia is a home to an ageing population. At a glance, there are one in seven people who are within the ageing population or at the age of 65 and up. In 2016, the aged population has already reached 15 per cent of the country’s population, which is already 3.7 million. And this number is […]

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