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How Social Outreach Helps Improve Aged Care

There are a number of times that schools included activities, such as an outreach, to expose students and urge them to reach out a helping hand on those who are in need. An outreach program is providing services to those people who have no accessed to it or find it hard to have one due to a number of factors. Common outreach programs are feeding programs and medical missions, providing people with food and check-ups.

However, how about those living beyond their 60s?

They also need a helping hand. Aged care in Australia is undergoing changes, with studies that show lower or even no more regular visitation from doctors, and more. But, in Queensland, there’s a new program that is targeted in reaching out a hand to the elderly. Queensland land is the third most populated state in the country. In terms of the senior age group, there is an increase in number, which increased to 15.1 per cent in 2017 from 11.3 per cent in 1997.

The “Good Neighbour program”

The new movement in Queensland is trying to shape the aged care sector. According to the University of Queensland, the movement allows students to become volunteers to help and build residents to the residents of the aged community.

Nicole Walker, a UQ School of Psychology PhD candidate, said the goal of the Good Neighbour program is to improve the life of the residents of the aged community, as well as the quality of care they are getting.

“It is a social intervention for residents who are isolated and have little social support outside the facility,” Ms Walker said. “UQ students volunteer their time and work on building relationships with the residents, many of whom have mental health and behavioural issues, as well as age-related decline.”

Facilities have been experiencing a better atmosphere whenever there are students. For residents diagnosed with Dementia, there are improvements in their resident behavioural and psychological symptoms. Aside from the elderly, the staff also benefited from the project. Ever since the project’s inception in 2016, the staff felt more supported in what they are doing; hence, allowing them to allot more time in the clinical care of the residents.

On the other hand, students also learn from the experience, which will serve as a learning and development effort on their part. This will help students have a positive view on aged care, allowing them to have a positive attitude when handling the elderly.

“The structure of this intervention may be the foundation for a new approach to residential aged care and other similar social justice areas where health delivery is problematic or chronically under-resourced,” Ms Walker said.

“The Good Neighbour Program demonstrates that strategically establishing community contact with the specific tertiary educational disciplines is more likely to result in improvements in quality of care and quality of life within the sector.”

Having a positive attitude towards other people can psychologically affect others well-being in a good way. Psychology students, even caregivers, and other related jobs can take aged care courses melbourne under MCIE’s guidance for an in-depth training to become a reliable caregivers of the aged.

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