Helpful AUSTRADE Resources for Education Sector
Thanks to Austrade, we have links to several useful resources designed to help training providers, international students, and everyone else working in the education industry. These links are invaluable for keeping track of the latest happenings.
To stay updated on COVID-19
Education-specific resources

- The main resource for providers and students is the Study in Australia website where all information from federal departments and agencies is available and updated weekly.
- Health and wellbeing information for students
- Download this infographic which outlines the financial and welfare assistance and information sources available to international students.

Training provider and sector resources on are also available at the SIA Resource Hub. It includes an Agent and Provider Update which provides a summary at the top of all policy changes.
- Austrade is also coordinating a new grassroots initiative called #Inthistogether. Digital assets are available for provider use at: Training providers can share stories of solidarity and support for international students. It is a good resource to amplify these stories and to showcase best practices globally. You can participate in #Inthistogether in a variety of ways:
- Embed the hashtags #Inthistogether and #studyinaustralia in any social media content, alongside your own tags.
- Email any stories or images to Austrade directly.

- Webinars for the International Education sector: Austrade is increasing the number of webinars being run for the international education sector, in partnership or collaboration with key individuals and agencies. In case you are unable to secure a place, you can still catch up on earlier recordings here:
- Insider Guides webinars about the international education sector and the impacts of COVID-19.
- YouTube channel with all recordings, including ‘industry chats’ and the most recent Rob Lawrence webinar.
- The collection of webinar resources will be added further here.
Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)
The Australian government is injecting an additional $49.8 million into the Export Market Development Grants program for the 2019-20 financial year. Businesses within the scheme, who have spent their own money to market and grow Australian exports, will receive more of that money back, up to 50% of their marketing costs, 100% of their entitlement, delivered rapidly.
Businesses will also be able to claim expenses for events that were cancelled due to circumstances beyond their control.
The Government has also waived the export performance test for those applying for a grant for the 2019–20 grant year, from July 1 2020. Any business that has incurred eligible EMDG expenses for promotional activities in 2019–20 will be able to seek reimbursement for 50% of these expenses without the Export Performance Test applying. This is in recognition that many exporters would have spent more on marketing expenses with the expectation they would see export income high enough to meet the export performance test.
On 15 April, Minister Birmingham also released information about the new COVID-19 Export Capital Facility.
Other external sources
- Rabobank is continuing to publish market overviews and podcasts on the impact of COVID-19 here.
- You might also find this KPMG overview of government grants and assistance available useful for its overview of the first two tranches of support and its roundup of state and territory measures.
- Likewise PWC’s overview of COVID-19 tax measures offer a quick view, searchable by markets including Australia.
- DFAT COVID-related and general trade barrier information, inc. services such as TNE, can be found at: