social media marketing diploma

Digital Lessons: How to Measure Business Social Media ROI

How Communications Factor in Social Media Marketing and Strategy

Social Media is a great exposure for a business. Not only does it allow you to be seen by hundreds and more, but you can also take advantage of these platform through network connection building. However, a social media marketer must be organized, prepared and is effective in communicating with the audience, his or her […]


An Organized Approach to Social Media Marketing

In the world of social media marketing, organization is key when it comes to knowing your resources to be able to market continuously. With organization comes time allocation, budgeting, creative planning and brand management. Take, for example, business A is having a hard time finding clients during the winter break. But, its competitor Business B [...]

Digital Lessons: How to Measure Business Social Media ROI

Social media marketing also has its own definition of Return On Investments (ROI) as indicators of success. It can be said that measuring social media ROI is critical to the organisation’s ongoing marketing efforts as it charts the rate of success and its percentages when weighted against costs.   Social Media ROI But first, what […]

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